Elijah list

Daily Word

Nathan Shaw, Dunedin, New Zealand:
"Through the Door"


One of the first commands that Jesus gave to His newly formed Church was to wait for power from on high (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4). One of the last biblical commands that Jesus gave His Church was to step through an already opened door (Revelation 4:1). The command to step through the open door was actually given to John, but it was given directly after John had received very specific instructions for the seven churches (Revelation 2–3). John went through the door as a priestly and prophetic model for these churches.

From Waiting to Stepping

The change in mentality from waiting to stepping was strategic for the seven churches of Revelation. It is also strategic for the modern Church. It's not that we are to move away from the biblical foundation of waiting on the Lord; rather, the change in mentality is about operating in our God-ordained, priestly authority. Instead of waiting for power, there are places in the spirit waiting for us. Instead of power coming from Heaven, we are stepping into heavenly realms.

Something as simple as stepping through a door can make a phenomenal difference... (Read More)